I came from love and neglect; from joy and pain; from laughter and tears.
I came from the poor-house below the hill.
I came from the poor-house above of the hill.
I came from the greatest lie ever told.
I came from a forgotten history and an unknowable future.
I came from fear and regret.
I came from passion, rebellion, and resolve.
I came from the depths of doubt and self-loathing.
I came from a classical background with a rock and roll attitude.
I came from a struggle for dignity.
I came from below, and it is here I shall remain.
I came from a mistake of chemistry.
I came from one last hope; and it's dying breath.
I came from the end and then the beginning.
I came from history and it's aftermaths.
I came from civilization and it's discontents.
I came from barbarians and savages.
I came from the prairie and the moorland.
I came from feather and stone.
I came from a small town in a big city.
I came from somewhere inside.