Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Obvious day of reflection.

A mere 28 years ago I burst forth into a world I had no choice in coming into, and I'm not exactly sure if I would have entered it so easily had I known what would be in store. I didn't choose to be born, but as long as I'm here I may as well kick a couple of ideas around. I recall the week of my birthday last year, writing a now vanished piece on the reflection of the past 27 years on my old blog. I'm not exactly sure what it said, but my fear is that it isn't too different than what I will write now. It's a shitty feeling, thinking that you're pretty much in the same spot you were at this time last year. It's not true, actually, but the internal feelings are much the same, despite the obviously contradictory evidence of where my life is now vs last year. Don't worry, I'm not feeling the need to reflect openly about all the differences that a year has produced, both overwhelming and subtle, just that no matter what I feel on the inside the outside is obviously different.
Where does that leave me then? It leaves me with another year of experiences, another year to look forward too, and a solidified reminder of how little I know. And I'd like to keep it that way, at least for a large number of years to follow. All the apathy, depression, anxiety, self-loathing, misanthropy, and confusion keep leading me towards one solitary conclusion: Through it all, to see the beauty, passion, love, and to embrace the negatives, isolation, and authentic fright in the world, all of this, will help both leave you whole and able to appreciate everything for what it is. At the very least, this is my hope.

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